Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Lazy Athlete

I am a lazy athlete. Sometimes I really don't want to do anything except sit on my couch and watch my DVR full of Law & Order: SVU. In some ways yes I guess I can be a little sick in twisted, I put myself in situation where running is the only way I can get home. My mom and I carpool to work but since she's a nurse, she sometimes has to stay late or could end up working a double.  This just means that at 3:30 when I'm ready to leave, I’m hoofing it home the 2.25 miles across Providence to my house. I come prepared usually. Running shoes, shorts, warm layers, all in my trusty back pack. Then sometimes I space out and get stuck running home in my scrubs. Those are the times I just tough it out and get home fast.  I’ll even challenge myself if I’m feeling particularly good, a round of elevated push-ups here, and a flight of stairs over there. Anything I can do to make myself just a little bit more exhausted. If I don’t feel like I’m going to die when I get home then I didn’t push myself hard enough. You have to remember that this type of workout works for me; I enjoy pushing myself to the limit, sometimes. If I didn’t push myself so hard I would just be lazy. I say I’m lazy because I don’t get up at 6am to do a work out and I don’t work out every day. Some people I know would scoff at the idea of not going to the gym every day. Whatever to them, I’m not a Gym Rat but I bet you I can kick any of those guys ass’s when I do workout. Every person has to find the thing they enjoy doing for me its learning to like running. Maybe you are a Zumba person, or maybe Crossfit, or kettlebells.  Hell even if you are a Gym Rat good for you, you are up and doing something. Keep it up people, there’s nothing wrong with being lazy sometimes, it doesn’t define you.  I sign up for the crazy challenges so I have something to work for. If I set a goal then I know I have to reach it. The biggest hurdle in being fit is ourselves. That evil little voice in the back of your head telling you that you aren’t good enough, you don’t look like a movie star, that you will never finish a race, smack that little bastard back and remember, YOU are already amazing. 

 By the way, that's me pulling a plane, a 757 to be exact. See I told you. Amazing :)

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