Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dear Lord, What am I Doing???

Hello all!

So, it’s been far too long since my last post but since then I have completed a Goruckwith the momma, and I survived S.E.R.E. Basic in Boston with an amazing team. Since I'm a glutton for punishment I have now signed up for an Ultra Run, that's 50 miles in the Vermont Mountains. Yup, I've gone batshit. Oh, and just two weeks after that I'll also be rucking the 60 to 60 Ultra Ruck held by S.E.R.E. Performance. If I survive the month of May I'll be friggin amazed. 

Technically I was talked into the 50 miler, and it was completely beyond my control. See, Andy from Spartan Race posted that if anyone completed the 50 miler than they would have free entry into the Ultra Beast taking place in September. Then my Workout Momma Lynn said she was doing it, then Sarah, then Ivana signed up as well, I was seriously obligated to complete this event with an amazing group of women. Now we are going to have an amazing time I'm sure, I just hope they realize how slow I am.